Neu Fehler beim Abgleich des Shops


Aktives Mitglied
18. Mai 2021
Guten Tag,

Wir kriegen immer diesen Fehler wenn wir einen Shop Abgleich machen wollen. Kann vll jemand damit was Anfangen? Ich bin echt langsam Überfragt.

Vielen Dank :)

Bitte beachten Sie, dass JTL-Wawi federführend ist!
Im Shop-Backend vorgenommene Änderungen können nicht mehr automatisiert abgeglichen werden und führen somit zu Datenverlust.
Prüfe Endpointkonfiguration.
Abgleich gestartet für ''.
Gesendet: Kategorien (15 Stück)
Gelöscht: Bilder (164 Stück)
Gelöscht: Artikel (30 Stück)
Gesendet: Hersteller (2 Stück)
Gesendet: Artikel (13 Stück)
Onlineshop-Abgleich beendet für ''.

Exception: Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 4690 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 752) | [1619b3f3-1ed1-4674-833e-4a747e9b04bf] The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x24\xf1\xe7\x2f\xc2\xa1\x42\x6b\xbf\x5f\xbc\xa1\x8e\x16\x80\x68", "\x9b\x43\x64\x05\x0b\x66\x49\xd2\xa9\x1d\x68\xb8\x65\x63\x28\x28", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x5f\x48\x54\xa9\xf0\xc5\x47\x20\x91\xf6\x20\x53\x75\x00\x09\x62", 0, null, "2021-06-17 09:10:36.958"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`d035b9aa`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASC)
Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 4690 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 752) | [0d026aba-1f3d-49f7-9559-da1d0ec23214] The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xd9\xc5\x73\x94\x8f\xcb\x45\xb6\x84\x49\x94\xb6\xf2\x0c\xbf\x9c", "\x9b\x43\x64\x05\x0b\x66\x49\xd2\xa9\x1d\x68\xb8\x65\x63\x28\x28", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x5f\x48\x54\xa9\xf0\xc5\x47\x20\x91\xf6\x20\x53\x75\x00\x09\x62", 0, null, "2021-06-17 09:10:59.709"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`d035b9aa`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASC)
Bilder-Senden-Fehler: Bitte beachten Sie, dass zur Fehler-Diagnose ebenfalls die Log-Datei des Servers und das Abgleich-Log der JTL-Wawi notwendig sind!
Exception bei image.push: Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 4690 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 752) | [1619b3f3-1ed1-4674-833e-4a747e9b04bf] The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x24\xf1\xe7\x2f\xc2\xa1\x42\x6b\xbf\x5f\xbc\xa1\x8e\x16\x80\x68", "\x9b\x43\x64\x05\x0b\x66\x49\xd2\xa9\x1d\x68\xb8\x65\x63\x28\x28", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x5f\x48\x54\xa9\xf0\xc5\x47\x20\x91\xf6\x20\x53\x75\x00\x09\x62", 0, null, "2021-06-17 09:10:36.958"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`d035b9aa`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASC)

Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 4690 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 752) | [0d026aba-1f3d-49f7-9559-da1d0ec23214] The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xd9\xc5\x73\x94\x8f\xcb\x45\xb6\x84\x49\x94\xb6\xf2\x0c\xbf\x9c", "\x9b\x43\x64\x05\x0b\x66\x49\xd2\xa9\x1d\x68\xb8\x65\x63\x28\x28", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x5f\x48\x54\xa9\xf0\xc5\x47\x20\x91\xf6\x20\x53\x75\x00\x09\x62", 0, null, "2021-06-17 09:10:59.709"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`d035b9aa`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASC)

Response: {"jtlrpc":"2.0","id":"99f21c0b20b74a0780bab64bbd97f0bd","result":null,"error":{"code":500,"message":"Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 4690 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 752) | [1677a541-fcea-49ca-b90b-0c3b8420f2b4] The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error: \nCode = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing \u0027INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)\u0027 with params [\u0022\\x0f\\xa9\\x1c\\xe3\\xe9\\x6a\\x4b\\xc2\\xbe\\x4b\\xd9\\xce\\x75\\x2c\\x34\\x25\u0022, \u0022\\xbe\\xf3\\x1f\\xbd\\xed\\xcb\\x48\\x77\\x88\\x09\\x66\\x79\\xba\\x18\\x7f\\xa6\u0022, \u0022\\x9b\\x43\\x64\\x05\\x0b\\x66\\x49\\xd2\\xa9\\x1d\\x68\\xb8\\x65\\x63\\x28\\x28\u0022, \u0022\\x0f\\xa9\\x1c\\xe3\\xe9\\x6a\\x4b\\xc2\\xbe\\x4b\\xd9\\xce\\x75\\x2c\\x34\\x25\u0022, \u0022\\x5f\\x48\\x54\\xa9\\xf0\\xc5\\x47\\x20\\x91\\xf6\\x20\\x53\\x75\\x00\\x09\\x62\u0022, 0, null, \u00222021-06-17 09:10:47.976\u0022]:\n\nSQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`d035b9aa`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASC)","data":"Jtl\\Shopware6\\Client\\Exception\\ClientException (Code: 500) in ...\/ClientException.php:101"}}
Exception bei image.push: Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 4690 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 752) | [1619b3f3-1ed1-4674-833e-4a747e9b04bf] The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x24\xf1\xe7\x2f\xc2\xa1\x42\x6b\xbf\x5f\xbc\xa1\x8e\x16\x80\x68", "\x9b\x43\x64\x05\x0b\x66\x49\xd2\xa9\x1d\x68\xb8\x65\x63\x28\x28", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x5f\x48\x54\xa9\xf0\xc5\x47\x20\x91\xf6\x20\x53\x75\x00\x09\x62", 0, null, "2021-06-17 09:10:36.958"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`d035b9aa`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASC)

Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 4690 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 752) | [0d026aba-1f3d-49f7-9559-da1d0ec23214] The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xd9\xc5\x73\x94\x8f\xcb\x45\xb6\x84\x49\x94\xb6\xf2\x0c\xbf\x9c", "\x9b\x43\x64\x05\x0b\x66\x49\xd2\xa9\x1d\x68\xb8\x65\x63\x28\x28", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x5f\x48\x54\xa9\xf0\xc5\x47\x20\x91\xf6\x20\x53\x75\x00\x09\x62", 0, null, "2021-06-17 09:10:59.709"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`d035b9aa`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASC)

Response: {"jtlrpc":"2.0","id":"de95b8fe7f4c42b9a2c3d96c75d634ef","result":null,"error":{"code":500,"message":"Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 4690 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 752) | [1619b3f3-1ed1-4674-833e-4a747e9b04bf] The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error: \nCode = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing \u0027INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)\u0027 with params [\u0022\\x0f\\xa9\\x1c\\xe3\\xe9\\x6a\\x4b\\xc2\\xbe\\x4b\\xd9\\xce\\x75\\x2c\\x34\\x25\u0022, \u0022\\x24\\xf1\\xe7\\x2f\\xc2\\xa1\\x42\\x6b\\xbf\\x5f\\xbc\\xa1\\x8e\\x16\\x80\\x68\u0022, \u0022\\x9b\\x43\\x64\\x05\\x0b\\x66\\x49\\xd2\\xa9\\x1d\\x68\\xb8\\x65\\x63\\x28\\x28\u0022, \u0022\\x0f\\xa9\\x1c\\xe3\\xe9\\x6a\\x4b\\xc2
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