Neu Shopware --> JTL Wawi Auftrag abruf schlägt fehl


Aktives Mitglied
7. August 2020
Guten Abend zusammen,

ich bin gerade dabei Shopware einzurichten und beim abruf der test bestellung bekomme ich volgenden fehler:
kann mir einer dazu etwas sagen?

Exception: An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS dctrn_count FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_0 FROM (SELECT AS id_0, s0_.changed AS changed_1, s0_.ordernumber AS ordernumber_2, s0_.userID AS userID_3, s0_.status AS status_4, s0_.cleared AS cleared_5, s0_.paymentID AS paymentID_6, s0_.dispatchID AS dispatchID_7, s0_.partnerID AS partnerID_8, s0_.subshopID AS subshopID_9, s0_.invoice_amount AS invoice_amount_10, s0_.invoice_amount_net AS invoice_amount_net_11, s0_.invoice_shipping AS invoice_shipping_12, s0_.invoice_shipping_net AS invoice_shipping_net_13, s0_.invoice_shipping_tax_rate AS invoice_shipping_tax_rate_14, s0_.ordertime AS ordertime_15, s0_.transactionID AS transactionID_16, s0_.comment AS comment_17, s0_.customercomment AS customercomment_18, s0_.internalcomment AS internalcomment_19, AS net_20, s0_.taxfree AS taxfree_21, s0_.temporaryID AS temporaryID_22, s0_.referer AS referer_23, s0_.cleareddate AS cleareddate_24, s0_.trackingcode AS trackingcode_25, s0_.language AS language_26, s0_.currency AS currency_27, s0_.currencyfactor AS currencyfactor_28, s0_.remote_addr AS remote_addr_29, s0_.deviceType AS deviceType_30, s0_.is_proportional_calculation AS is_proportional_calculation_31, s1_.customernumber AS customernumber_32, AS id_33, s1_.changed AS changed_34, s1_.paymentID AS paymentID_35, s1_.customergroup AS customergroup_36, s1_.subshopID AS subshopID_37, s1_.pricegroupID AS pricegroupID_38, s1_.encoder AS encoder_39, s1_.password AS password_40, AS active_41, AS email_42, s1_.firstlogin AS firstlogin_43, s1_.lastlogin AS lastlogin_44, s1_.accountmode AS accountmode_45, s1_.confirmationkey AS confirmationkey_46, s1_.sessionID AS sessionID_47, s1_.newsletter AS newsletter_48, s1_.validation AS validation_49, s1_.affiliate AS affiliate_50, s1_.paymentpreset AS paymentpreset_51, s1_.language AS language_52, s1_.referer AS referer_53, s1_.internalcomment AS internalcomment_54, s1_.failedlogins AS failedlogins_55, s1_.lockedUntil AS lockedUntil_56, s1_.salutation AS salutation_57, s1_.title AS title_58, s1_.firstname AS firstname_59, s1_.lastname AS lastname_60, s1_.birthday AS birthday_61, s1_.doubleOptinRegister AS doubleOptinRegister_62, s1_.doubleOptinEmailSentDate AS doubleOptinEmailSentDate_63, s1_.doubleOptinConfirmDate AS doubleOptinConfirmDate_64, s1_.password_change_date AS password_change_date_65, s1_.register_opt_in_id AS register_opt_in_id_66, AS id_67, AS company_68, s2_.department AS department_69, s2_.salutation AS salutation_70, s2_.firstname AS firstname_71, s2_.title AS title_72, s2_.lastname AS lastname_73, s2_.street AS street_74, s2_.zipcode AS zipcode_75, AS city_76, AS phone_77, s2_.ustid AS ustid_78, s2_.additional_address_line1 AS additional_address_line1_79, s2_.additional_address_line2 AS additional_address_line2_80, s2_.country_id AS country_id_81, s2_.state_id AS state_id_82, AS id_83, s3_.address_id AS address_id_84, s3_.text1 AS text1_85, s3_.text2 AS text2_86, s3_.text3 AS text3_87, s3_.text4 AS text4_88, s3_.text5 AS text5_89, s3_.text6 AS text6_90, s4_.payment_mean_id AS payment_mean_id_91, s4_.use_billing_data AS use_billing_data_92, s4_.bankname AS bankname_93, s4_.bic AS bic_94, s4_.iban AS iban_95, s4_.account_number AS account_number_96, s4_.bank_code AS bank_code_97, s4_.account_holder AS account_holder_98, s4_.created_at AS created_at_99, AS id_100, AS id_101, s5_.orderID AS orderID_102, s5_.attribute1 AS attribute1_103, s5_.attribute2 AS attribute2_104, s5_.attribute3 AS attribute3_105, s5_.attribute4 AS attribute4_106, s5_.attribute5 AS attribute5_107, s5_.attribute6 AS attribute6_108, s5_.swag_paypal_unified_payment_type AS swag_paypal_unified_payment_type_109, AS id_110, s6_.orderID AS orderID_111, s6_.articleID AS articleID_112, s6_.taxID AS taxID_113, s6_.tax_rate AS tax_rate_114, s6_.status AS status_115, s6_.articleDetailID AS articleDetailID_116, s6_.ordernumber AS ordernumber_117, s6_.articleordernumber AS articleordernumber_118, s6_.price AS price_119, s6_.quantity AS quantity_120, AS name_121, s6_.shipped AS shipped_122, s6_.shippedgroup AS shippedgroup_123, s6_.releasedate AS releasedate_124, s6_.modus AS modus_125, s6_.esdarticle AS esdarticle_126, s6_.config AS config_127, s6_.ean AS ean_128, s6_.unit AS unit_129, s6_.pack_unit AS pack_unit_130, AS id_131, AS tax_132, s7_.description AS description_133, s8_.title AS title_134, s8_.additional_address_line1 AS additional_address_line1_135, s8_.additional_address_line2 AS additional_address_line2_136, AS id_137, s8_.orderID AS orderID_138, s8_.userID AS userID_139, s8_.countryID AS countryID_140, s8_.stateID AS stateID_141, AS company_142, s8_.department AS department_143, s8_.salutation AS salutation_144, s8_.customernumber AS customernumber_145, s8_.firstname AS firstname_146, s8_.lastname AS lastname_147, s8_.street AS street_148, s8_.zipcode AS zipcode_149, AS city_150, AS phone_151, s8_.ustid AS ustid_152, s9_.title AS title_153, s9_.additional_address_line1 AS additional_address_line1_154, s9_.additional_address_line2 AS additional_address_line2_155, AS id_156, s9_.orderID AS orderID_157, s9_.countryID AS countryID_158, s9_.stateID AS stateID_159, s9_.userID AS userID_160, AS company_161, s9_.department AS department_162, s9_.salutation AS salutation_163, s9_.firstname AS firstname_164, s9_.lastname AS lastname_165, s9_.street AS street_166, s9_.zipcode AS zipcode_167, AS city_168, AS phone_169, AS id_170, s10_.countryname AS countryname_171, s10_.countryiso AS countryiso_172, s10_.countryen AS countryen_173, s10_.position AS position_174, s10_.notice AS notice_175, s10_.taxfree AS taxfree_176, s10_.taxfree_ustid AS taxfree_ustid_177, s10_.taxfree_ustid_checked AS taxfree_ustid_checked_178, AS active_179, s10_.iso3 AS iso3_180, s10_.display_state_in_registration AS display_state_in_registration_181, s10_.force_state_in_registration AS force_state_in_registration_182, s10_.allow_shipping AS allow_shipping_183, s10_.areaID AS areaID_184, AS id_185, s11_.countryname AS countryname_186, s11_.countryiso AS countryiso_187, s11_.countryen AS countryen_188, s11_.position AS position_189, s11_.notice AS notice_190, s11_.taxfree AS taxfree_191, s11_.taxfree_ustid AS taxfree_ustid_192, s11_.taxfree_ustid_checked AS taxfree_ustid_checked_193, AS active_194, s11_.iso3 AS iso3_195, s11_.display_state_in_registration AS display_state_in_registration_196, s11_.force_state_in_registration AS force_state_in_registration_197, s11_.allow_shipping AS allow_shipping_198, s11_.areaID AS areaID_199, AS id_200, s12_.orderID AS orderID_201, s12_.userID AS userID_202, s12_.previous_order_status_id AS previous_order_status_id_203, s12_.order_status_id AS order_status_id_204, s12_.previous_payment_status_id AS previous_payment_status_id_205, s12_.payment_status_id AS payment_status_id_206, s12_.comment AS comment_207, s12_.change_date AS change_date_208, AS id_209, AS name_210, s13_.description AS description_211, s13_.template AS template_212, s13_.class AS class_213, s13_.`table` AS table_214, s13_.hide AS hide_215, s13_.additionaldescription AS additionaldescription_216, s13_.debit_percent AS debit_percent_217, s13_.surcharge AS surcharge_218, s13_.surchargestring AS surchargestring_219, s13_.position AS position_220, AS active_221, s13_.esdactive AS esdactive_222, s13_.mobile_inactive AS mobile_inactive_223, s13_.embediframe AS embediframe_224, s13_.hideprospect AS hideprospect_225, s13_.action AS action_226, s13_.pluginID AS pluginID_227, s13_.source AS source_228, AS id_229, AS name_230, s14_.type AS type_231, s14_.description AS description_232, s14_.comment AS comment_233, AS active_234, s14_.position AS position_235, s14_.calculation AS calculation_236, s14_.surcharge_calculation AS surcharge_calculation_237, s14_.tax_calculation AS tax_calculation_238, s14_.shippingfree AS shippingfree_239, s14_.multishopID AS multishopID_240, s14_.customergroupID AS customergroupID_241, s14_.bind_shippingFree AS bind_shippingFree_242, s14_.bind_time_from AS bind_time_from_243, s14_.bind_time_to AS bind_time_to_244, s14_.bind_instock AS bind_instock_245, s14_.bind_laststock AS bind_laststock_246, s14_.bind_weekday_from AS bind_weekday_from_247, s14_.bind_weekday_to AS bind_weekday_to_248, s14_.bind_weight_from AS bind_weight_from_249, s14_.bind_weight_to AS bind_weight_to_250, s14_.bind_price_from AS bind_price_from_251, s14_.bind_price_to AS bind_price_to_252, s14_.bind_sql AS bind_sql_253, s14_.status_link AS status_link_254, s14_.calculation_sql AS calculation_sql_255 FROM s_order s0_ LEFT JOIN jtl_connector_link_order j15_ ON = j15_.order_id LEFT JOIN s_user s1_ ON s0_.userID = LEFT JOIN s_user_addresses s2_ ON s1_.default_shipping_address_id = LEFT JOIN s_user_addresses_attributes s3_ ON = s3_.address_id LEFT JOIN s_core_payment_data s4_ ON = s4_.user_id LEFT JOIN s_order_attributes s5_ ON = s5_.orderID INNER JOIN s_order_details s6_ ON = s6_.orderID LEFT JOIN s_core_tax s7_ ON s6_.taxID = LEFT JOIN s_order_billingaddress s8_ ON = s8_.orderID LEFT JOIN s_order_shippingaddress s9_ ON = s9_.orderID LEFT JOIN s_core_countries s10_ ON s8_.countryID = LEFT JOIN s_core_countries s11_ ON s9_.countryID = LEFT JOIN s_order_history s12_ ON = s12_.orderID LEFT JOIN s_core_paymentmeans s13_ ON s0_.paymentID = LEFT JOIN s_premium_dispatch s14_ ON s0_.dispatchID = WHERE j15_.host_id IS NULL AND s0_.status <> -1 ORDER BY ASC) dctrn_result) dctrn_table':

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 's5_.swag_pa
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