Neu XML Rechnung - Artikel werden für 0€ verkauft, warum?


Aktives Mitglied
22. Juli 2007
Hallo. Ich habe jetzt die ersten XML Rechnungen erstellt und soweit scheint das zu funktionieren. Aber nun schreibt mir ein Kunde, das dort Artikel mit 0€ angegeben werden und auch hinter der Menge C62 steht.
Ich füge euch das mal in der Anlage bei, wer kann sich das erklären?
Die Gesamtsumme am Ende stimmt wieder aber wenn ich die Artikel in der XML-Datei zusammenrechne, komme ich auch einen deutlich niedrigeren Betrag, da ja einige Artikel doppelt gelistet (warum auch immer) sind und dann auch noch genullt.
Die PDF sieht übrigens wie immer normal aus, da sind die Artikel auch mit dem richtigen Preis drauf.

Was mache ich falsch oder was könnte das Problem erzeugen?

Vielen Dank

ERGÄNZUNG: Habe gerade gesehen, das es Setartikel sind, also jeder einzelne Artikel des Sets wird aufgeführt, bei 5 bestellten Sets, also jeder Artikel 5x....omg, einige Kunden kaufen 100x, das kann ja was werden.
Aber trotzdem wird der Preis des gesamten Sets nirgends erwähnt.


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25. Januar 2025
Hello. I have now created the first XML invoices and so far it seems to be working. But now a customer has written to me that items are listed as 0€ and that C62 is also behind the quantity.
I'm attaching this to the attachment; can anyone explain it?
The total at the end is correct again, but when I add up the articles in the XML file, I get a much lower amount, since some articles are listed twice (for whatever reason) and then also zeroed.
By the way, the PDF looks normal as always, and the items are on there with the correct price.

What am I doing wrong or what could be causing the problem?

Thank you
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ADDITION: I just saw that these are set items, so every single item in the set is listed, so if you order 5 sets, each item is listed 5 times....omg, some customers buy 100 times, that could be something .
But still, the price of the entire set is not mentioned anywhere.
It sounds like the issue may stem from how the set items are being handled in the XML. When customers order multiple sets, the individual items might be listed multiple times with zero prices due to how the XML is structured. Make sure the set price is correctly aggregated and reflected for each order. Also, check if the C62 code is unintentionally added, which might be a result of how the items are grouped in the XML file. Adjusting the logic for set item pricing and quantity should resolve the issue.


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28. Januar 2025
An XML invoice with items listed at 0€ can signify various legitimate business scenarios, including promotional giveaways, free samples, charitable donations, internal transfers within a company, or even data entry errors. To ensure the accuracy and security of your financial records, consider utilizing Terabox to securely store and manage your invoices. Terabox provides robust cloud storage and data protection features, allowing you to easily access and share invoices with your accounting team while minimizing the risk of data breaches or loss, thereby streamlining your invoice management process and maintaining a comprehensive and reliable record of all your transactions, especially when dealing with potentially complex or unusual pricing scenarios like items listed at 0€.


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28. Januar 2025
If items in your XML invoice show as 0€, it may be due to incorrect pricing data, unintentional discounts, system misconfigurations, test data, or currency mismatches. To fix this, verify the pricing source, check discount logic, review system settings, ensure no test data is used, and inspect the XML or upstream data for errors. Farm land with unlimited money is an amazing game. must try it.


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5. Februar 2025
Hi Karsten, it sounds like you're dealing with a tricky situation with your XML invoices, especially with the way set items are being listed and priced. This reminds me of how Traffic Rider MOD APK simplifies complex processes by giving players unlimited access to bikes and upgrades without the hassle of grinding for coins. Just as Traffic Rider streamlines the gaming experience, your goal is to streamline your invoicing process to avoid confusion for your customers.

In your case, it seems the issue lies in how set items are being broken down in the XML file, causing individual items to appear with a €0 price and duplicate entries. This is similar to how, in Traffic Rider, players might expect a straightforward upgrade system but encounter unexpected complexities without the right tools.

Here’s a suggestion: Could you adjust the XML generation to group set items together and display the total price for the set instead of listing each item individually? This would make the invoice clearer and more user-friendly, much like how Traffic Rider MOD APK makes gameplay smoother by removing unnecessary barriers.

Good luck, and I hope you find a solution that works as seamlessly as Traffic Rider does for racing enthusiasts!
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