Inaktiv ***VRALTETE*** Aktuelle Connector Version 1.38.0

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Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.15.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.4
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 4.5
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 03.11.2020

* Entchancement - Product price refactoring, unified normal and quick sync calls to one method
* Bugfix - Fixed setting bulk prices
* Bugfix - Fixed setting standard price when B2B Market is active
* Bugfix - Reverted transfer priceGross on customer order pull, set item price precision to minimum of 4
* Bugfix - Increased tax rate calculation precision to 4
* Bugfix - CO-1161 - DHL postnumber is now correctly transfered
* Bugfix - CO-1174 - Customer group can be changed on customer update

Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.16.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.4
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 4.5
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 08.12.2020

* Entchancement - Unified connector config to database config, removed all items except developer logging from config.json file
* Bugfix - CO-1240 - Fixed vat calculation comparing values
* Bugfix - CO-1239 - Fixed price transfer precision, price gross item is now rounded at pull
* Bugfix - CO-1221 - Fixed 'not all images were sent' error

Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.17.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.6
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 4.8
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 18.01.2021

* Bugfix - CO-1254 - fixed empty values in Cross-Selling pull
* Bugfix - CO-1274 - fixed parent images are attached to children
* Bugfix - CO-1272 - fixed saving category slug when url path is empty
* Bugfix - CO-1241 - fixed saving images with same name
* Bugfix - CO-1304 - partially shiped orders have now status pending
* Bugfix - CO-1261 - German Market: pay by invoice(kauf auf rechnung) orders are now unpaid
* Enhancement - CO-1243 - allow saving html tags in attribute values
* Info - WooCommerce compatibility updated to 4.8, Wordpress compatibility updated to 5.6

Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.19.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.6
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 5.0
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 17.02.2021

* Bugfix - CO-1372 - fixed customer group update
* Bugfix - CO-1343 - fixed cross-selling pull
* Bugfix - CO-1338 - fixed sanitizing image name on push
* Bugfix - CO-1337 - fixed paypal payment method mapping

Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.20.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.6
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 5.0
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 24.02.2021

* Feature - CO-1295 - added support for blacklist products and categories in B2BMarket
* Feature - CO-1251 - added new attribute 'wc_notify_customer_on_overselling' (true/false) to set notify option on oversell
* Feature - CO-1376 - when available get vat rate from product price model in price quick sync

Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.21.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.6
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 5.0
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 17.03.2021

* Bugfix - CO-1237 - Fixed deleting product specifics
* Bugfix - CO-1316 - Fixed importing not existing category image
* Feature - CO-1341 - Added support for "Rank Math SEO" plugin
* Feature - CO-1356 - Added support for "Additional Variation Images Gallery" plugin

Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.22.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.6
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 5.1
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 21.04.2021

* Bugfix - CO-1370 - Improved setting shipping vat rate
* Bugfix - CO-1406 - Fixed problem with duplicated variations after initial import
* Bugfix - CO-1452 - Fixed setting invalid variation value
* Bugfix - CO-1484 - Fixed variants preselection

Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.23.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.6
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 5.1
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 28.04.2021

* Bugfix - CO-1485 - Paypal PUI text fix
* Bugfix - CO-1476 - Importing manual orders fix
* Bugfix - CO-1410 - Fixed German Market digital product set
* Bugfix - CO-1397 - Fixed overwriting image description
* Bugfix - CO-1285 - Save manufacturer even without transferred i18ns
* Feature - CO-1277 - Added variation sorting support
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: gewinnschwein

Patryk Gorol

Gut bekanntes Mitglied
11. November 2019
Connector Version: 1.24.0
Kompatiblität Wordpress: 4.7 - 5.6
Kompatiblität WooCommerce: 3.4 - 5.3
PHP minimum version: 7.1.3
Release: 26.05.2021

* Feature - CO-1429 - Get full state name if available on customer order pull
* Bugfix - CO-1513 - Tax rate calculation improvements
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