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17. März 2012
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17. März 2012
AW: Hilfe ! Bekomme ständig komische Emails

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Frage: Display, Touchscreen, 5 MP Kamera, Android 2.3 OS) schwarz (Electronics) Ive had this for a few weeks now and just about had time to get my head arnoud it.Ive put a 16GB mem card in it more than enough for most of my music.Many people complain about the batteries on these smartphones but up to now Ive had no problems. I get at least a day and a half to two days, but Im not a heavy user. I have put all the widgets on one screen so that I can switch on/off Wireless, GPS, Data connection and Bluetooth with one touch. This obviously saves a lot of power. If you use your PC in the evening just plug the phone in whenever you use it and get a car charger which should save you getting caught out.The phone itself is credit card sized, quite chunky, feels solid and quality build I wanted a phone that I could slip into my pocket and its perfect for that. I dont like the big smartphones and dont understand why more companies arent making small phones. The screen is big enough to read text if you have reasonable eyesight you can easily zoom anyway. The on-screen keyboard is a bit fiddly in portrait but OK but fine in landscape.Calls so far have been clear and crisp and Ive had to turn the volume down a little.FM radio works fine but requires headphones plugged in a nice feature is the music recognition on the FM radio.Screen is extremely clear and bright and colours are really nice. A throw down from Sony Bravia TV technology.The onboard speaker is brilliant and great for listening to podcasts without earphones. It also sounds pretty OK for music and not at all tinny like most phone speakers.Camera is good enough for a phone 5MP isnt going to break any records but its pretty good, even when you view the pictures on a large computer screen. Main problem is that the flash stays on when focusing, effectively blinding your subjects! Im sure a common issue with digicams although I dont remember being blinded by other peoples phones. The interface isnt bad and the flash pretty good and lights up dark spaces well. The video capture is exceptional quality (720p).The three switches at the bottom work very well, with a tiny buzz when you press back or info to let you know you have pressed them. The camera switch could be a little better and requires a firm push althought its adequate.The micro SD plug cover feels very flimsy but it hasnt fallen off yet so Im guessing it was designed that way.I wasnt very impressed with the latest android update from Sony/E which added nothing useful for me and removed the nice little CRT screen animation when the screen closes down, so for me the update was a step backward and I wish I hadnt bothered. Hopefully they will address this with Android 4 due out in Spring/Summer 2012.To sum up this is a great phone, slightly fiddly but if you want a small smart phone instead of a flat screen TV in your pocket then its the perfect companion.I got mine on a a315pm contract free handset with 300 mins 300 txts unlimited internet on T-mobile so less than half the price of an iPhone.Im looking forward to seeing what else SE have in store for future Mini phones. I cant see how this can get a lot better.

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