Neu Fehlermeldung beim Drucken von Adressetiketten nach Update auf


Offizieller Servicepartner
16. März 2017

unsere Wawi druckt seit dem Update auf keine Adressetiketten mehr (Kundenliste, Rechtsklick -> Adressetiketten drucken). Das Fehlerprotokoll:

Unbehandelte Ausnahme #EBD30A53BA48F05 vom Typ System.InvalidOperationException in Void .ctor(System.Data.IDbConnection, JTL.Database.DbConnectionDisposalBehavior)
System.InvalidOperationException: Nesting of DbConnectionDecorator not supported
bei JTL.Database.DbConnectionWithTransactionDecorator..ctor(IDbConnection connection, DbConnectionDisposalBehavior disposalBehaviour)
bei JTL.Database.Repositories.RepositoryBase..ctor(DbConnectionFactory factory)
bei JTL.Ausgabe.Repositories.Report.UserRepositoryBase..ctor(DbConnectionFactory factory)
bei JTL.Ausgabe.Repositories.Report.UserRepository..ctor(DbConnectionFactory factory)
bei JTL.Ausgabe.Repositories.Report.CompanyRepository.FindBySignedInUser(IEnumerable`1 ids)
bei JTL.Ausgabe.Elemente.AddressAusgabeElement.CreateByCustomerId(IEnumerable`1 customerIds)
bei JTL.Wawi.CoreConnector.KundenverwaltungCoreConnectorService.ShowAdressEtikettAusgabe(IEnumerable`1 kundenKeys)
bei JTL.Wawi.Kundenverwaltung.KundenListe.Commands.EtikettenAusgabeCommand.Execute(IEnumerable`1 parameter)
bei JTL.Mvvm.Command.CommandBase`1.System.Windows.Input.ICommand.Execute(Object parameter)
bei DevExpress.Xpf.Bars.Native.CommandSourceHelper.Execute(ICommand command, Object commandParameter, IInputElement commandTarget)
bei DevExpress.Xpf.Bars.BarItem.ExecuteCommand(ICommand command, Object commandParameter, IInputElement actualCommandTarget)
bei DevExpress.Xpf.Bars.BarItem.<>c__DisplayClass61.<OnItemClick>b__60()
bei System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
bei System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
System.Object = <null>

2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - SELECT
[AccountData].[InternalId] AS [InternalId],
[AccountData].[CustomerInternalId] AS [CustomerInternalId],
[AccountData].[Bank] AS [Bank],
[AccountData].[AccountHolder] AS [AccountHolder],
[AccountData].[IBAN] AS [IBAN],
[AccountData].[BIC] AS [BIC]
[Report].[AccountData] AS [AccountData]
JOIN [Report].[Customer] AS [Customer] ON [Customer].[InternalId] = [AccountData].[CustomerInternalId]
([Customer].[InternalId] IN (9014));
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer bis zum Reader: 5ms
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer: 7 ms, 0 Zeilen
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - SELECT
[CustomerAttribute].[InternalId] AS [InternalId],
[CustomerAttribute].[CustomerInternalId] AS [CustomerInternalId],
[CustomerAttribute].[AttributeName] AS [AttributeName],
[CustomerAttribute].[AttributeValue] AS [AttributeValue],
[CustomerAttribute].[AttributeDescription] AS [AttributeDescription],
[CustomerAttribute].[LanguageInternalId] AS [LanguageInternalId]
[Report].[CustomerAttribute] AS [CustomerAttribute]
JOIN [Report].[Customer] AS [Customer] ON [Customer].[InternalId] = [CustomerAttribute].[CustomerInternalId]
([Customer].[InternalId] IN (9014));
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer bis zum Reader: 8ms
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer: 12 ms, 1 Zeilen
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - SELECT
[CustomerBillToAddress].[InternalId] AS [InternalId],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[CustomerInternalId] AS [CustomerInternalId],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[Company] AS [Company],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[Salutation] AS [Salutation],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[Title] AS [Title],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[LastName] AS [LastName],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[Address] AS [Address],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[PostalCode] AS [PostalCode],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[City] AS [City],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[Country] AS [Country],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[Phone] AS [Phone],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[CompanySupplement] AS [CompanySupplement],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[AddressSupplement] AS [AddressSupplement],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[MobilePhone] AS [MobilePhone],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[EmailAddress] AS [EmailAddress],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[Fax] AS [Fax],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[State] AS [State],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[CountryISO] AS [CountryISO],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[CustomerNumber] AS [CustomerNumber],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[ValueAddedTaxId] AS [ValueAddedTaxId],
[CustomerBillToAddress].[IsStandard] AS [IsStandard]
[Report].[CustomerBillToAddress] AS [CustomerBillToAddress]
JOIN [Report].[Customer] AS [Customer] ON [Customer].[InternalId] = [CustomerBillToAddress].[CustomerInternalId]
([Customer].[InternalId] IN (9014));
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer bis zum Reader: 25ms
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer: 32 ms, 1 Zeilen
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - SELECT
[CustomerOtherAddress].[InternalId] AS [InternalId],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[CustomerInternalId] AS [CustomerInternalId],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[Company] AS [Company],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[Salutation] AS [Salutation],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[Title] AS [Title],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[LastName] AS [LastName],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[Address] AS [Address],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[PostalCode] AS [PostalCode],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[City] AS [City],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[Country] AS [Country],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[Phone] AS [Phone],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[CompanySupplement] AS [CompanySupplement],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[AddressSupplement] AS [AddressSupplement],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[MobilePhone] AS [MobilePhone],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[EmailAddress] AS [EmailAddress],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[Fax] AS [Fax],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[State] AS [State],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[CountryISO] AS [CountryISO],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[CustomerNumber] AS [CustomerNumber],
[CustomerOtherAddress].[ValueAddedTaxId] AS [ValueAddedTaxId]
[Report].[CustomerOtherAddress] AS [CustomerOtherAddress]
JOIN [Report].[Customer] AS [Customer] ON [Customer].[InternalId] = [CustomerOtherAddress].[CustomerInternalId]
([Customer].[InternalId] IN (9014));
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer bis zum Reader: 17ms
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer: 21 ms, 0 Zeilen
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - SELECT
[CustomerShipToAddress].[InternalId] AS [InternalId],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[CustomerInternalId] AS [CustomerInternalId],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[Company] AS [Company],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[Salutation] AS [Salutation],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[Title] AS [Title],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[LastName] AS [LastName],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[Address] AS [Address],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[PostalCode] AS [PostalCode],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[City] AS [City],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[Country] AS [Country],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[Phone] AS [Phone],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[CompanySupplement] AS [CompanySupplement],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[AddressSupplement] AS [AddressSupplement],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[MobilePhone] AS [MobilePhone],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[EmailAddress] AS [EmailAddress],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[Fax] AS [Fax],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[State] AS [State],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[CountryISO] AS [CountryISO],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[CustomerNumber] AS [CustomerNumber],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[ValueAddedTaxId] AS [ValueAddedTaxId],
[CustomerShipToAddress].[IsStandard] AS [IsStandard]
[Report].[CustomerShipToAddress] AS [CustomerShipToAddress]
JOIN [Report].[Customer] AS [Customer] ON [Customer].[InternalId] = [CustomerShipToAddress].[CustomerInternalId]
([Customer].[InternalId] IN (9014));
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer bis zum Reader: 36ms
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer: 49 ms, 2 Zeilen
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.tErrorlog', 'U') IS NULL SELECT 0 ELSE SELECT 1;
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer: 1ms, Result: 1
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.tErrorlog WHERE cRechnername = @cRechnername AND nFehlerID = @nFehlerID ORDER BY dErstelltUtc ASC
@cRechnername = ''
@nFehlerID = 1062058573357682437
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.tErrorlog WHERE cRechnername = @cRechnername AND nFehlerID = @nFehlerID ORDER BY dErstelltUtc ASC
@cRechnername = ''
@nFehlerID = 1062058573357682437
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer bis zum Reader: 22ms
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - Dauer: 30 ms, 1 Zeilen
2020-10-01T12:08:06 DEBUG - UPDATE [dbo].[tErrorlog] SET dErstelltUtc = @dErstelltUtc_0 WHERE kErrorlog = @kErrorlog_0;
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