Inaktiv Aktuelle Connector-Version 2.15.1

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Daniel B.

17. Juni 2009

hier im Beitrag wird man erfahren können wann es neue Version des Connectors für Shopware 4 und Shopware 5 gibt.

Aktuelle Version im Kundencenter für Shopware 4: 1.4.8
Aktuelle Version im Kundencenter für Shopware 5 ab Version 5.4: 2.8.6

Hinweis zu Connector Version 2.10.2:

In Verbindung mit JTL-Wawi Version oder neuer kann der Connector beim Senden von Artikeln nun präziser Steuerklassen im Shop bestimmen. Das ist allerdings nur für Händler interessant, die mehrere Steuerklassen mit einem gleichen Hauptsteuersatz besitzen (Normal 19, Ermäßigt 7, Stark ermäßigt 7).

Hinweis zu Connector Version 2.8.0:
Der Connector Konfiguration können weitere Cleared States hinzugefügt werden. Dadurch werden Zahlungen mit diesen Zahlungs-Status beim Zahlungsimport in JTL-Wawi berücksichtigt. Dafür muss das Array Property "payment.pull.allowed_cleared_states" entsprechend gefüllt werden. Dies könnte bspw. so aussehen:
            "allowed_cleared_states": [10, 31]

Hinweis zu Connector Version 2.5.4:
Die Änderung aus Connector Version 2.5.2 (Die Lieferzeit im Shop nur noch über die Bearbeitungszeit zu setzen) wurde wieder rückgängig gemacht. Möchte jemand dennoch die Lieferzeit im Shop nur über "Tage bis Versand" aus JTL-Wawi heraus steuern, kann das Flag "product.push.use_handling_time_for_shipping" in der Connector Configuration gesetzt werden.

Hinweis zu Connector Version 2.5.0:

In dieser Version wurde das automatische Attribut Mapping entfernt. Soll bspw. ein Artikelattribut mit dem Namen "test_name" in den Shop übertragen werden, so muss auch im Shop ein Attribut "test_name" existieren.
Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet:

Daniel B.

17. Juni 2009
- CO-2026 - Skip Attributes without i18ns translation

- CO-1996 - Feature - Added support for regulation price

- CO-1913 - Bugfix - Fixed problem with image deleting in shop
- CO-1880 - Bugfix - Fixed importing same language several times
- CO-1850 - Feature - Added support of the field max purchase

- CO-1809 - Bugfix - Fixed setting image names in s_articles_img table
- CO-1566 - Feature - Import payments for manual payment types even without a transaction ID
- CO-1375 - Feature - Added option to not overwrite 'download' files on product after product push

- CO-1367 - Extended saving many tracking numbers in delivery note
- CO-1320 - Added config property 'payment_type_mappings' for specifying custom payment type mapping
- CO-327 - Added support for category 'Link target' property
- CO-1590/CO-1242 - Fixed error if customer do not exists

- CO-1723 - Hotfix tax class guessing

- CO-1380 Added support for states on customer order pull
- fixed payment mapping on unknown payment module code
- fixed monolog library compatibility issue with shopware 5.7
- fixed setSize method compatibility issue
- updated features.json

- CO-994 Added payment description as fallback for payment module code during order and payment pull
- CO-1459 Added product tax class guessing on product push
- CO-1538 Fixed replacing images instead of adding them on image push
- CO-1540 Added importing only one product translation per language during product pull

- Added forgotten variations translations fix (CO-1260)

- CO-522 Added support for JTL product Onlineshop-Suchbegriffe as article search keywords in shop
- CO-1090 Fixed updating sw_image_config_ignores attribute on parent product
- CO-1260 Fixed sending article variation translations to shop
- CO-1394 Fixed importing SEPA data from customer on order
- CO-1477 Allowed that rrp can be equal to sales price
- CO-1482 Added possibility to download connector logs and to de-/active developer-logging in plugin gui
- CO-1498 Removed overriding features file in update process
- Added support for php8 (connector)
- Removed duplicated thumbnail generation on image push
- Revised shipping time handling on product push

- Fixed problem with existing images in image push
- Switched rounding precision of order positions back to 4 in customer order pull
- Fixed categories order in category pull

- Fixed problems with not existing image translations

- Added workaround for problem with empty language iso properties

- Updated connector core version, due to issues during product import

- CO-1259 Added importing phone number in customer order delivery address
- CO-1281 Fixed importing article attributes with language iso
- Revised image creation process in shop

- Fixed article image sending problems

- CO-1101 - Added support for individual texts in custom products
- CO-1019 - Added support for extending cleared states in config for payment import in JTL-Wawi
- CO-1164 - Fixed/Refactored creating and updating images including name
- Fixed order of categories during import in JTL-Wawi
- Fixed error when importing customers in JTL-Wawi and no language was found

- CO-1170 - Added new payment method mapping hgw_ivb2b
- CO-1167 - Added config option 'consider_supplier_inflow_date_for_shipping' (default: true) for calculation delivery time
- CO-1010 - Set RRP only when it's greater than normal price

- CO-1144 - Fixed import of DateTime attributes

- CO-1037/CO-531 - Fixed packUnit translations
- CO-1001 - Fixed language mapping (ex. translations for shops with a locale at_DE should be now saved)
- CO-951 - Added attribute to control is_blog category attribute
- CO-391 - Added attribute to assign product price group

- CO-1106 Reverted using handling time as shipping time only

- Updated connector core due to compatiblity reasons with JTl-Wawi

- Fixed set shipping time by handling time only

- CO-1089 Fixed rounding differences when importing voucher code positions in orders

- CO-187 Added customer attributes support
- CO-840 Refactored attributes handling
- CO-1066 Fixed order items order during import in JTL-Wawi
- CO-1086 Changed supplier delivery time to handling time

- Removed alias in update query

- CO-923 Fixed CrossSelling deletes in Shopware
- CO-949 Removed payment trigger and payment table
- CO-974 Changed logic when payment will be imported
- CO-966 Fixed limiting customer group to 50
- CO 930 - Added if image name is not empty it's now set in backend
- CO-975 - DHL Wunschpaket: Added default salutation 'Herr' if no salutation is present
- CO-961 - If 'additional_address_line2' is not empty it's now transferred to Wawi in extraAddressLine field
- Hotfix skip monolog file deletion

- CO-922 Increased connector core version to ^2.7, increased minimum PHP version to 7.1.3, removed fixed monolog version
- CO-924 Transfer full image tag url in product and category description
- Supported Shopware version >= 5.6 (Shopware version 5.4 and 5.5. can still install it manually)
- Removed phar dependencies
- Switched to older monolog version due to compatiblity reasons
- CO-496 Fixed missing image relations on variant children
- CO-569 Removed not existent getter calls in customer order mapper
- CO-849 Fixed Warning "Zahlung mit Transaktions-ID 'XYZ' when importing payment orders
- CO-866 Keep dummy parents as well in case linking tables should be kept after deinstallation

- CO-805 Fixed bug with shipping tax rate
- CO-785 Added support for image alt attribute
- CO-784 Added support for product SEO attributes title, keywords, description
- CO-567 Delivery note creation can be now turned off in config
- Fixed start_date for payment import
- CO-711 Fixed primary key mapper
- CO-730 Fixed problem with translation service override

- CO-417 Removed not needed category level table for performance optimisation
- CO-540 Cleared date will be used as payment date if possible, existing payment entries only deleted if necessary
- CO-549 Assigned tax rate for shipping order items will be used if possible
- CO-572 DHL-Wunschpaket related attributes will be imported into JTL-Wawi if the DHL-Wunschpaket plugin is installed
- CO-594 Connector tables can be kept after connector deinstallation if desired
- Save product translations by language and not by locale

- Added compatiblity to Shopware 5.6

- CO-363 Save categories translations in shop (without category mappings)
- CO-430 Set articles changed date during product price quicksync
- CO-446 Attribute names normalised
- CO-502 Save category attribute translations in shop
- CO-526 Set bulk prices correctly
- CO-514 Delete article related image data when media image is linked to more than one article
- Add custom products plugin template by using "custom_products_template" attribute (internal template name)
- Problems with group based product prices during quicksync fixed
- Problems with product price during push fixed

- CO-447 Lower case to camel case transformation on product attributes during push fixed
- CO-452 Product price quicksync fixed
- Set configuratorOptions on article details fix
- Class alias typo corrected
- Hotfix for backward compatiblity with namespace aliases

- CO-286 Custom properties support added
- CO-310 Additional text support added
- CO-354 Translations from product variation child attributes will be imported into JTL-Wawi
- CO-359 Use same de-/activation logic for products as in shopware backend
- CO-433 Convert Shopware product DateTime attributes to string when importing into JTL-Wawi
- Convert Shopware product attribute names from camel case to underscore when importing into JTL-Wawi

- Image copy problem fixed
- Avoid warnings when cleaning unassigned product images

- Fixed plugin autoloading

- CO-340 Fixed problems with image upload
- Don't add the same image mapping multiple times
- Fixed customer import problem when creation date is set to 0000-00-00

- Backward compatiblity to SW 5.2 and 5.3 fixed
- Write category.mapping flag correctly during connector installation
- Compatiblity to Shopware composer installation fixed
- Default value of article detail preselection changed to false

- Fixed main article detail preselection logic
- Images from not existent products will be removed

- CO-288 Specifics assignment revised
- CO-306 Changing variation values afterwards fix
- Main article detail will be switched during push automatically if actual one has no stock
- Config file structure completely revised

- WAWI-25142 Order status mappings revised
- CO-222 Main article detail can be changed in Wawi
- CO-292 Account holder in PUI fixed
- CO-293 kind value of pseudo master article detail changed to 3
- CO-294 Changing main image of a product after push fix
- Category attributes with individual names will be pulled into Wawi
- Camel case product attribute names will be converted to underscore

- Fixed payment mapping for heidelpay
- CO-254 / CO-251 Added Support for new Paypal Plugin
- CO-255 Shorten vat number in case it is longer than 20 chars
- CO-283 CrossSelling events are available

- CO-269 Consider seo description, seo keywords and page title by manufacturer pull
- Config flags added for undefined attributes handling during push
- Deprecations replaced for Shopware 5.5 compatiblity
- Connector Core downgraded, due to compatiblity reasons

- CO-229 Fixed saving the customer order tracking code
- CO-232 Added customer order cleared date when payment is completed

- CO-215 Fixed missing customer order billing and shipping title
- CO-218 Fixed sw pre 5.2.25 access on protected property
- CO-226 Fixed sw pre 5.4 delivery note path access
- CO-184 Added customer order voucher support
- CO-196 Added product changed date support

- CO-212 Fixed customer address support

- CO-186 Added full shopware delivery note support with pdf creation
- CO-195 Fixed compatibility issues with SW < 5.4.0

- CO-185 Added shopware order document type support

- Fixed missing default laststock value

- Fixed wrong version string

- CO-182 Added shopware 5.4.0 support
- CO-183 Added shopware variants in listing support

- CO-157 Fixed missing ProductSpecialPriceItem class
- CO-158 Added shopware media service support
Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.
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