Aktives Mitglied
wir nutzen aktuell JTL in Verbindung mit Shopware 5.5.7 und JTL Connector 2.13.0.
Momentan werden leider keine Bilder mehr synchronisiert.
Die Synchronisation scheint vorher abzubrechen, die immer wiederkehrenden Fehlerlogs vom JTL Connector Shopwareseitig:
in Database sind:
[2023-10-24 10:02:05] database.ERROR: Exception 'Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException' (Code: 0) with message 'Entity of type 'Shopware\Models\Article\Image' for IDs id(4741) was not found' in /var/www/clients/client1/web4/web/web/ shop/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityNotFoundException.php:47 [] []
Die immer wiederkehrenden Fehlerlogs in Global sind:
[2023-10-24 11:41:15] global.INFO: (E_USER_DEPRECATED) File (/var/www/clients/client1/web4/web/web/shop/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Container.php, 282): The "shopware.api.article" service is private, getting it from the container is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will fail in 4.0. You should either make the service public, or stop using the container directly and use dependency injection instead. [] []
[2023-10-24 11:41:27] global.ERROR: Exception 'jtl\Connector\Core\Exception\RpcException' (Code: -32600) with message 'Invalid Request' in /var/www/clients/client1/web4/web/web/shop/Plugins/Community/Frontend/jtlconnector/vendor/jtl/connector/src/Core/Rpc/RequestPacket.php:143 [] []
Bringt hier ggf. eine manuelle Bildsynchronisation Abhilfe?
Im JTL Log sind folgende Einträge:
wir nutzen aktuell JTL in Verbindung mit Shopware 5.5.7 und JTL Connector 2.13.0.
Momentan werden leider keine Bilder mehr synchronisiert.
Die Synchronisation scheint vorher abzubrechen, die immer wiederkehrenden Fehlerlogs vom JTL Connector Shopwareseitig:
in Database sind:
[2023-10-24 10:02:05] database.ERROR: Exception 'Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException' (Code: 0) with message 'Entity of type 'Shopware\Models\Article\Image' for IDs id(4741) was not found' in /var/www/clients/client1/web4/web/web/ shop/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityNotFoundException.php:47 [] []
Die immer wiederkehrenden Fehlerlogs in Global sind:
[2023-10-24 11:41:15] global.INFO: (E_USER_DEPRECATED) File (/var/www/clients/client1/web4/web/web/shop/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Container.php, 282): The "shopware.api.article" service is private, getting it from the container is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will fail in 4.0. You should either make the service public, or stop using the container directly and use dependency injection instead. [] []
[2023-10-24 11:41:27] global.ERROR: Exception 'jtl\Connector\Core\Exception\RpcException' (Code: -32600) with message 'Invalid Request' in /var/www/clients/client1/web4/web/web/shop/Plugins/Community/Frontend/jtlconnector/vendor/jtl/connector/src/Core/Rpc/RequestPacket.php:143 [] []
Bringt hier ggf. eine manuelle Bildsynchronisation Abhilfe?
Im JTL Log sind folgende Einträge: