neue osCommerce Version

Thomas Lisson

24. März 2006
Hallo Mike,

danke für die Info.

Hast Du eine Ahnung, welche Änderungen an der DB-Struktur durchgeführt wurden? Oder einen Link zu den ChangeLogs?


Aktives Mitglied
28. Februar 2007
osCommerce Online Merchant Changelog
Copyright (c) 2007 osCommerce

07/03/2007 osCommerce Online Merchant 2.2 RC1------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Remove additional slashes when editing a file in the Administration Tool ->
Tools -> File Manager section.

* Update Administration Tool pages. Introduce index summary modules
(backported from v3.0).
[r1633, r1634, r1635]

* Increase configuration_title and configuration_key field sizes

* Update project version. Update osCommerce logo. Use standard store_logo.png
image to easily allow the store logo to be changed.

* New administrators page to create, edit, and delete administrators

* Filter the parameters to not include any containing '_nh_dns' in the name so
they do not get stored in the navigation history session file.
[r1619, r1620]

* Add a public_title variable to the payment modules so the payment method can
display "Credit Card" instead of the name of the payment service provider.
[r1617, r1621]

* When editing reviews, strip additional slashes in the reviews text before
storing it in the database.

* PHP < 4.1 compatibility update.

* Backport v3.0 installation procedure.
[r1611, r1613, r1629]

* Add a simple administrator login routine to the Administrator Tool.
[r1610, r1632]

* Process the order total modules earlier on the checkout confirmation page.

* Fix typo in the products new page.

* Add the session ID to the GET based forms as a hidden field value.
[r1606, r1607]

* Updating category settings without selecting a category image was removing
the previous category image.

* Check the selected payment module radio field.

* Load the payment modules after the order total modules to get the proper
final order total value. This will break some payment modules duplicating
the checkout_process.php logic (ie, PayPal IPN contribution).

* Improve the logic of accepting state names.

* Add a new configuration parameter to control the maximum quantity a product
can be added to the shopping cart (99 by default).

* The quantity is added to the database as an integer so the quantity in the
shopping cart session should also be treated as an integer.

* Fix the display of the country name on the order history page.

* Don't calculate prices with tax by rounding the net value, as this brings
down the default precision of 4 to the decimal places the selected currency
[r1592, r1593]

* Fix sql injection vulnerability when sorting product listings.

* Pass the connection identifier link to the mysql_insert_id() function.

* Reset the array index counter after working through its elements.

* Respect the Configuration -> Minimum Values settings.
[r1587, r1588]

* Correct the display of the billing address on the invoice and packing slip

* Fix currency case-sensitivity bug.

* Add a register_globals compatibility layer for PHP 4.3+ servers.
[r1583, r1584, r1597, r1599, r1647]

* Allow payment modules to display input fields on the checkout confirmation

* Add fulltext support into the database backup dumps.
Don't backup the data from the sessions table nor the who's online table.
Delete the contents of the sessions table and who's online table after a
restoration has been performed.

* Fix manufacturers caching block.


Aktives Mitglied
2. August 2006
67454 Hassloch

ich habe beide Shops auf meinem Webspace installiert.

Ich werde diese Woche testen ob der Connector mit dem neuen osCommerce 2.2 kompatibel ist und es hier posten.

@Thomas Lisson
Ein Chagelog hat shetani bereits gepostet.

Für alle die gerne wissen wollen, wie der osCommerce 3 Alpha 4 aussieht, hier der Link zu meinem Demo- Shop:



Aktives Mitglied
2. August 2006
67454 Hassloch
Hallo nochmal,

ich habe gerade den neuen osCommerce mit dem Connector getestet.

Neue Produkte anlegen
Bestellungen aus dem Shop übernehmen

funktionieren ohne Probleme.

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