Unbehandelte Ausnahme #2DB61C542897F240 vom Typ JTL.
Shipping.Shared.Exceptions.ShippingException in
JTL.Shipping.Shared.Exceptions.ShippingException: Label created successfully.
Unbehandelte Ausnahme #2DB61C542897F240 vom Typ JTL.Shipping.Shared.Exceptions.ShippingException in : Weak validation error occured.
Unbehandelte Ausnahme #2DB61C542897F240 vom Typ JTL.Shipping.Shared.Exceptions.ShippingException in : Der eingegebene Wert ist zu lang und wurde gekürzt.
Unbehandelte Ausnahme #2DB61C542897F240 vom Typ JTL.Shipping.Shared.Exceptions.ShippingException in : Label '534652201110' deleted successfully.
Unbehandelte Ausnahme #2DB61C542897F240 vom Typ JTL.Shipping.Shared.Exceptions.ShippingException in : Label canceled because the address validation has failed.
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [TableTable] Invalidate: [tVersandLog]
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [SQL] INSERT INTO [tVersandLog] (kVersand, dZeitstempel, nStatus, cMessage) VALUES (@kVersand, @dZeitstempel, @nStatus, @cMessage);; SELECT scope_identity() AS id;
@kVersand = 13616,
@dZeitstempel = '2016-03-08 07:58:20' -- 03.08.2016 19:58:20,
@nStatus = 255,
@cMessage = 'Label canceled because the address validation has failed.'
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 0ms
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [TableTable] Invalidate: [tVersandLog]
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [SQL] UPDATE [tVersand] SET cIdentCode=@cIdentCode, cShipmentId=@cShipmentId WHERE 1=1 AND kVersand=@kVersand;
@cIdentCode = '',
@cShipmentId = '',
@kVersand = 13616
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 1ms
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [TableTable] Invalidate: [tVersand]
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT * FROM tVersand WHERE kLieferschein = 13401
2016-08-03T19:58:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 1ms
2016-08-03T19:58:39 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT * FROM [tVersandschnittstellenKonfiguration] WHERE [kVersandArt] = @kVersandArt
@kVersandArt = 83
2016-08-03T19:58:39 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 0ms
2016-08-03T19:58:41 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT * FROM [tVersandLog] WHERE [kVersand] = @kVersand
@kVersand = 13616
2016-08-03T19:58:41 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 2ms
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT * FROM [tWorkflow]
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 0ms
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT * FROM [eazybusiness].[dbo].[tbenutzer]
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 0ms
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT * FROM [tWorkflow]
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 0ms
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT TOP 1000 tWorkflowQueue.*, tWorkflow.nObjekt FROM tWorkflowQueue JOIN tWorkflow ON tWorkflowQueue.kWorkflow = tWorkflow.kWorkflow
WHERE dStartDate >= @from AND dStartDate <= @to
ORDER BY kWorkflowQueue DESC
from = '2016-03-08 12:00:00' -- 03.08.2016 00:00:00,
to = '2016-03-08 11:59:59' -- 03.08.2016 23:59:59
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 4ms
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT TOP 1000 tWorkflowLog.*, tWorkflowAktion.*, CONVERT(nvarchar(30), tWorkflowLog.dDatum, 21) AS SortDate, isNull(tWorkflow.cName, '') as WorkflowName
FROM tWorkflowLog
LEFT JOIN tWorkflowAktion ON tWorkflowAktion.kWorkflowAktion = tWorkflowLog.kWorkflowAktion
LEFT JOIN tWorkflow ON tWorkflowLog.kWorkflow = tWorkflow.kWorkflow
WHERE dDatum >= @from AND dDatum <= @to
ORDER BY tWorkflowLog.kWorkflowLog DESC
from = '2016-03-08 12:00:00' -- 03.08.2016 00:00:00,
to = '2016-03-08 11:59:59' -- 03.08.2016 23:59:59
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] SELECT TOP 1000 tWorkflowQueue.*, tWorkflow.nObjekt FROM tWorkflowQueue JOIN tWorkflow ON tWorkflowQueue.kWorkflow = tWorkflow.kWorkflow
WHERE dStartDate >= @from AND dStartDate <= @to
ORDER BY kWorkflowQueue DESC
from = '2016-03-08 12:00:00' -- 03.08.2016 00:00:00,
to = '2016-03-08 11:59:59' -- 03.08.2016 23:59:59
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 4ms
2016-08-03T19:59:20 DEBUG - [SQL] Dauer: 72ms
Zeitstempel: 2016-08-03T19:59:45
Locale: German (Germany)
Locale: German (Germany)
Versionshash: A842D25B
Prozessname: System.Diagnostics.Process (JTL-wawi)
Physikalischer Speicher: 309882880 / Peak: 648777728
Basispriorität: 8
Prioritätsklasse: Normal
CPU-Zeit (User): 0:08:21,3125
CPU-Zeit (System): 0:04:00,234375
Page-Size (Sytem): 1564936 / Peak: 617893888
Page-Size: 316747776 / Peak: 617893888
Offene Handles: 1524