Gelöst Bestellabgleich - Telefonnummer notwendig in der Lieferadresse


Gut bekanntes Mitglied
3. August 2014
Bei der Bestellsync meckert JTL das die Rufnummer in der Lieferadresse notwendig ist. Prinzipiell eine schöne Sache, aber doch ein kleiner "Conversionkiller" im Bestellprozess wenn man die Rufnummer in Shopify auf required stellt. Könnt ihr das nicht einfach optional machen bei der Bestellsynchronisierung?

Exception: Resource "orders/746626089047" - The Shopify server responded with the status 422 and the following error: "shipping_address => phone can't be blank"
Resource "orders/746626089047" - The Shopify server responded with the status 422 and the following error: "shipping_address => phone can't be blank"
Aufträge-Senden-Fehler: Bitte beachten Sie, dass zur Fehler-Diagnose ebenfalls die Log-Datei des Servers und das Abgleich-Log der JTL-Wawi notwendig sind!
Exception bei customer_order.push: Resource "orders/746626089047" - The Shopify server responded with the status 422 and the following error: "shipping_address => phone can't be blank"

Resource "orders/746626089047" - The Shopify server responded with the status 422 and the following error: "shipping_address => phone can't be blank"

Response: {"result":null,"error":{"code":422,"message":"Resource \"orders\/746626089047\" - The Shopify server responded with the status 422 and the following error: \"shipping_address => phone can't be blank\"","data":null},"jtlrpc":"2.0","id":"af57defd358a45e0870af87f824cf0ac"}
Exception bei customer_order.push: Resource "orders/746626089047" - The Shopify server responded with the status 422 and the following error: "shipping_address => phone can't be blank"

Resource "orders/746626089047" - The Shopify server responded with the status 422 and the following error: "shipping_address => phone can't be blank"

Response: {"result":null,"error":{"code":422,"message":"Resource \"orders\/746626089047\" - The Shopify server responded with the status 422 and the following error: \"shipping_address => phone can't be blank\"","data":null},"jtlrpc":"2.0","id":"8c8934f8953b4ec086b151086c14a371"}
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses. Connector.Abgleich.Connector.endPWtsGwyQ(String , Object , Boolean , NetworkCredential )
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses.Connector.Abgleich.Connector.E4cPWq7LjO0(String , Object , Boolean , NetworkCredential )
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses.Connector.Abgleich.Connector.endPWtsGwyQ(String , Object , Boolean , NetworkCredential )