Neu Ich schaffe es einfach nicht - den Abgleich hinzubekommen :-(


Gut bekanntes Mitglied
13. Dezember 2011
Bekomme immer einen Fehler, eagl welchen Artikel ich hochladen will.

irgendwer eine Idee?

Würde echt gern SW6 nutzen

Exception: Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 94359 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 4085) | The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xee\xf0\xb3\x01\x2d\x30\x4d\x44\x9a\xa6\x24\xc4\x82\xca\xdc\xc7", "\x75\x66\xbd\xbc\x31\x83\x4d\x87\xbf\xb3\x99\x28\x12\xd9\x47\x24", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x69\xfc\xd4\x70\xb3\xea\x41\xac\x96\x5b\x86\x58\x80\x14\xca\xca", 0, null, "2020-12-22 05:52:25.244"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`k001249_47_sw6gss`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UP)
Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 94359 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 4085) | The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x3c\x04\x63\x2b\x74\xb0\x48\x06\xa6\xdd\x48\x67\xe3\x6a\x6f\x34", "\x75\x66\xbd\xbc\x31\x83\x4d\x87\xbf\xb3\x99\x28\x12\xd9\x47\x24", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xc9\x68\x04\xa2\x2e\x12\x41\xe5\x85\x6b\x46\x26\x96\xd9\xc2\xb9", 0, null, "2020-12-22 05:52:30.326"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`k001249_47_sw6gss`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UP)
Abschlussinfo-Senden-Fehler: Bitte beachten Sie, dass zur Fehler-Diagnose ebenfalls die Log-Datei des Servers und das Abgleich-Log der JTL-Wawi notwendig sind!
Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 94359 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 4085) | The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xee\xf0\xb3\x01\x2d\x30\x4d\x44\x9a\xa6\x24\xc4\x82\xca\xdc\xc7", "\x75\x66\xbd\xbc\x31\x83\x4d\x87\xbf\xb3\x99\x28\x12\xd9\x47\x24", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x69\xfc\xd4\x70\xb3\xea\x41\xac\x96\x5b\x86\x58\x80\x14\xca\xca", 0, null, "2020-12-22 05:52:25.244"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`k001249_47_sw6gss`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UP)
Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 94359 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 4085) | The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x3c\x04\x63\x2b\x74\xb0\x48\x06\xa6\xdd\x48\x67\xe3\x6a\x6f\x34", "\x75\x66\xbd\xbc\x31\x83\x4d\x87\xbf\xb3\x99\x28\x12\xd9\x47\x24", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xc9\x68\x04\xa2\x2e\x12\x41\xe5\x85\x6b\x46\x26\x96\xd9\xc2\xb9", 0, null, "2020-12-22 05:52:30.326"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`k001249_47_sw6gss`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UP)
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses. Connector.Abgleich.Connector.WppJK9RuYow(String , Object , Boolean , NetworkCredential )
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses.Connector.Abgleich.Connector.FinishCall()
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses.Connector.Abgleich.EntityAbgleicher.ConnectorFinishCallTask.Run()
bei JTL.Connector.Business.SyncRunner.Run()


Hinweis: Artikel werden mit der Einstellung <Eingeschränkt> hochgeladen. Dadurch werden keine neu angelegten Artikel zum Shop geschickt, sondern nur Preise und/oder Bestände von bereits im Shop vorhandenen Artikeln.

Gesendet: Kategorien (1 Stück)
Onlineshop-Abgleich beendet für 'SW6 GolfSIMSHOP'.

Exception: Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 94359 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 4085) | The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xee\xf7\xc3\x9c\x3d\x46\x47\xf1\x97\x1c\x11\x0d\xdf\x3e\xc7\x56", "\x75\x66\xbd\xbc\x31\x83\x4d\x87\xbf\xb3\x99\x28\x12\xd9\x47\x24", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xc5\x77\x69\xfb\x4b\xd4\x4c\x67\x97\x1a\xd7\xbc\x8c\x97\x06\xc9", 0, null, "2020-12-22 05:57:29.639"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`k001249_47_sw6gss`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UP)
Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 94359 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 4085) | The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x6a\xf6\x94\x61\xc0\x62\x4c\x21\xbb\x84\xe7\x6e\x27\x0c\xfd\xb3", "\x75\x66\xbd\xbc\x31\x83\x4d\x87\xbf\xb3\x99\x28\x12\xd9\x47\x24", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x42\xe8\x10\xda\x0c\xe9\x40\xab\x8b\x21\x84\xb2\x78\x62\x56\xb8", 0, null, "2020-12-22 05:57:34.936"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`k001249_47_sw6gss`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UP)
Abschlussinfo-Senden-Fehler: Bitte beachten Sie, dass zur Fehler-Diagnose ebenfalls die Log-Datei des Servers und das Abgleich-Log der JTL-Wawi notwendig sind!
Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 94359 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 4085) | The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xee\xf7\xc3\x9c\x3d\x46\x47\xf1\x97\x1c\x11\x0d\xdf\x3e\xc7\x56", "\x75\x66\xbd\xbc\x31\x83\x4d\x87\xbf\xb3\x99\x28\x12\xd9\x47\x24", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\xc5\x77\x69\xfb\x4b\xd4\x4c\x67\x97\x1a\xd7\xbc\x8c\x97\x06\xc9", 0, null, "2020-12-22 05:57:29.639"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`k001249_47_sw6gss`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UP)
Controller = Image | Action = push | JTL-Wawi PK = 94359 | Related type Product (JTL-Wawi PK = 4085) | The Shopware 6 Admin API responded with an error:
Code = 0 | Status = 500 | Detail = An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `product_media` (`version_id`, `id`, `product_id`, `product_version_id`, `media_id`, `position`, `custom_fields`, `created_at`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x6a\xf6\x94\x61\xc0\x62\x4c\x21\xbb\x84\xe7\x6e\x27\x0c\xfd\xb3", "\x75\x66\xbd\xbc\x31\x83\x4d\x87\xbf\xb3\x99\x28\x12\xd9\x47\x24", "\x0f\xa9\x1c\xe3\xe9\x6a\x4b\xc2\xbe\x4b\xd9\xce\x75\x2c\x34\x25", "\x42\xe8\x10\xda\x0c\xe9\x40\xab\x8b\x21\x84\xb2\x78\x62\x56\xb8", 0, null, "2020-12-22 05:57:34.936"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`k001249_47_sw6gss`.`product_media`, CONSTRAINT `fk.product_media.product_id` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`, `product_version_id`) REFERENCES `product` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UP)
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses.Connector.Abgleich.Connector.WppJK9RuYow(String , Object , Boolean , NetworkCredential )
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses.Connector.Abgleich.Connector.FinishCall()
bei jtlCore.ControllerClasses.Connector.Abgleich.EntityAbgleicher.ConnectorFinishCallTask.Run()
bei JTL.Connector.Business.SyncRunner.Run()


Gesperrter Benutzer
24. August 2016
Hallo @oriepl,

der Shop versucht einen Datensatz eines Bildes zu speichern, wo der Bezug in der `product` Tabelle vermutlich nicht existiert. Versuche mal in JTL-Wawi den Artikel mit dem internen Schlüssel (bzw. kArtikel) 4085 für diesen Shop zu deaktiveren und führe danach erneut einen Abgleich aus.


Gut bekanntes Mitglied
13. Dezember 2011
Hallo @oriepl,

der Shop versucht einen Datensatz eines Bildes zu speichern, wo der Bezug in der `product` Tabelle vermutlich nicht existiert. Versuche mal in JTL-Wawi den Artikel mit dem internen Schlüssel (bzw. kArtikel) 4085 für diesen Shop zu deaktiveren und führe danach erneut einen Abgleich aus.

Habe ich gemacht nur dann bleibt kein Artikel mehr über den ich hochladen könnte, was wohl kaum im Sinne des Erfinders eines Onlineshops wäre.


Gut bekanntes Mitglied
13. Dezember 2011

Nachdem ich die Artikel aus der eigentlichen Kategorien entfernt habe, und dann einen Abgleich gemacht haben hat es geklappt, stelle ich die Artikel in die alte kategorie zurück dann klappt es jetzt auch, wieso auch immer.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Immanuel
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