Neu CSV import delimiters


14. Januar 2022

I am having issues with importing CSV data using the defined separators (, comma) for decimals and (. period) for thousands.
ex. Price is set to 5,90, the imported price is 590. Prices in CSV use (, comma) separator for decimals. There is no thousands separator defined.

I used a simple CSV table - only SKU and Price field, column delimiter set to ( ; ). But the system can not recognize the decimal symbol (, comma) to set prices properly.
The data formating - I have tried both UTF-8 and windows-1252.
There is no way to set other delimiters in the JTL-Ant import, like space or simply nothing for thousands. So I guess a thousand separator is defined as (. period) by default, although there is no separator used in the CSV.
Also, in JTL-Wawi article section (, comma) is used as a decimal separator, but in the Customer order totals the format is like 2,123.56 EUR, with (, comma) used as a thousand separator. Not to mention currency settings.

Does that all affect how CSV import is interpreted? I mean, it seems I can not import a simple number properly.

Any idea of the cause, because I have been playing all day and it looks like some formatting, or incompatability issue. The CSV is exported from Google sheets, Open Office and excel. None works. Still same results, the system does not recognize the separator properly. I am not German, so not sure if it has anything to do with localisation, Windows version or server version.

Version used: JTL- Wawi
Windows 10 ENG
MS SQL Server 2017 ENG

Thanks for any info.


Sehr aktives Mitglied
3. März 2012
This may be a conflict of what you set in the Ameise and what your lokal windows machine is set up for.

Try to set your windows to use , for decimal and . for thousands. by setting it to other region scheme.


14. Januar 2022
This may be a conflict of what you set in the Ameise and what your lokal windows machine is set up for.

Try to set your windows to use , for decimal and . for thousands. by setting it to other region schemeBright
thanks for the info. But did not solve the issue. I setup Win10 for decimal/period settings (was not changed) and German language for region and other software that does not use utf-8. i still run MS SQL Server Express 2017 ENG.

I am using Wawi 1.6.33
The issue is, as I have found, that prices and numbers show differently for different parameters (gross, net or RRP price). All prices are set the same and use the same formating (windows-1252). RRP price is used for Gross price as well. But as you can see, it makes mistake in the comma separator. Is this a bug in the beta version? So, same data, different results. Maybe a cloud will solve this issue but not sure why that happens.

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