I need upgrade JTL3.03 to latest version 3.09


Aktives Mitglied
18. März 2011
Hi :),

Im very new to the JTL Shop system. I need to upgrade my JTL Shop system to latest version. Now, im using JTL3.03 version. I want update these version to latest version 3.09. Could anyone please help me out of this issue.

Please i need your detailed explaination(Step by Step process) to upgrade my JTL Shop 3.03 to 3.09

Thanks in Advance,



Aktives Mitglied
28. Oktober 2010
AW: I need upgrade JTL3.03 to latest version 3.09

You´ve got the 3. 09? If not, download you´ll find here.
Login there with your email and pass.
Unzip the download into a new folder, and delete:
folder : install incl. all its content
files : .htaccess , shopinfo.xml , export/sitemap_index.xml

Next step is to open your browser and to login into the admin-section of your shop. Stay there and leave it untouched for the next steps.

Open your ftp-connection and upload all the lokal files of the jtl-shop309 folder. Overwrite the old ones.

After upload completed go back to your browser, change to -> Admin -> Shop-update and start the update of the database.

Thats it


Aktives Mitglied
18. März 2011
AW: I need upgrade JTL3.03 to latest version 3.09

Thank you very much, Mr.Tom

Sorry Tom, I dont have an account to download the new version. What i have to do? Is there any other way to download that newer version? Or In what way i get those latest version? Need to your support.

Thanks & Regards,